Transformation through suffering

⁠⁠The last two years have been psychologically tumultuous. The pandemic has evoked fear, grief and looming uncertainty. Feeling confined, isolated and vigilant can exacerbate the negative symptoms of mental ill-health.

As a society we have learnt quickly how to adapt to the new reality and we have developed skills to strengthen mental fortitude.

It is an unfortunate trait of human nature to focus on the negative, highlighting deepening divisions and propagating fear, but what of the silver lining? Suffering is transformative.

How can you appreciate vitality if you've never been ill? How can you know true love without experiencing heartbreak? ⁠⁠It is only by knowing suffering that we are able to feel great joy. ⁠⁠

The shared experience of suffering (like a community in lock-down) allows us the opportunity to empathise with one another, and in turn, transform together.

During the peak of lockdown, the Cingulum team put together 6 evidence-based hacks for elevating mood and cognition:

  1. Walking

'Forward ambulation' or simply put, the act of moving forward by way of walking, running or cycling, induces rapid lateral eye movement which in turn, quietens the fear centres of the brain and induces relaxation. Just one lap around the block can reduce feelings of stress and anxiety.


2. Sunlight

Exposure to the sun first thing in the morning helps regulate the circadian rhythm, thereby improving sleep and mood. If you've slept in, don't worry! Sun at any time of the day increases Vitamin D which supports bone health, and immune & cardiovascular function.


3. Reading

Find something that resonates with you, whether that be a fantasy novel, an autobiography or a scientific journal. Set aside uninterrupted time, create a cozy space, make a hot drink, and allow yourself to become lost in another world.


4. Cold Showers

Cold exposure has been shown through different methods to increase energy, decrease inflammation and improve the immune system. Above all else it makes you feel alive! Whilst we don't all have the luxury of an ice bath, regular cold showers can provide some of these benefits.


5. Stretching

Dynamic stretching through practices like Yoga, have profound physiological benefits such as increased flexibility, reduced pain and protection against injury, but it also allows us to become aware of our body, and in turn, quiet the mind.


6. Pets

Pets are a great source of comfort and boost serotonin, but we should not forget that the relationship is reciprocal. Understanding your role as a caretaker and protector, can motivate you to adopt a calm and secure disposition and shift your attention away from negative self-talk.

Understanding how to optimise your mental state and build resilience is the single most important thing you can do in times of hardship.

To learn more, contact us below.


Launching Cingulum Creative


Untangling the knots