Meet Sam


“Identify your problems, but give your power and energy to solutions."

— Tony Robbins

Get to Know Sam


What current medical research are you most excited about?

The interaction of gut microbiome on auto-immune disease.

About 80% of your body's immune cells are located within the gut! It only makes sense to think that any imbalances of the natural gut microbiome could contribute or even cause the onset of auto-immune disease. Our diets are becoming more and more laced with highly artificial and processed substances. At the same time we are facing an estimated yearly rise in auto-immune disease by up to 9%. I'll leave you to draw your own conclusions on this.


How do you strengthen your mental fitness? 

I believe that there is a very strong and direct correlation between physical fitness and mental fitness.

In order to maintain and strengthen my mental health, I prioritise incorporating some form of physical activity into my daily routine.

My favorite form of physical exercise is running, this is my meditation. Every time I run I find myself entering into a flow state where all focus and awareness is on what I'm doing and nothing else. I find this the best way to achieve mental clarity.


What is your favourite health hack?

Daily cold showers are the ultimate health hack. Not only are they an energising and revitalising way to start the day, but they also increase circulation, aid in muscle recovery, promote healthy skin, strengthen your immune system, boost alertness and the list goes on.


What is your ‘not-so-guilty’ pleasure?

After a coastal walk from Coogee with my fiancé and 16 month old little man, I thoroughly enjoy taking part in a delicious cooked breakfast at our favourite cafe in Bronte.


What are you currently reading? 

Tribe of Mentors: Short Life Advice from the Best in the World by Timothy Farris

Let’s get started together.

We are here for the future of your health.