Meet Andrew

Andrew is a consulting Exercise Physiologist and Cognitive therapist at Cingulum Health with expertise in clinical assessment and rehabilitation.

He is the founder of Unlock Concussion, a specialty service dedicated to the assessment and management of people with acute concussion injuries, persistent post-concussive symptoms and prolonged recovery. Andrew is also a clinical Exercise Physiologist and Research Coordinator at the Children’s Hospital Institute of Sports Medicine in the Children’s Hospital at Westmead.

Andrew is interested in how exercise can be optimally utilised and adapted into one’s lifestyle to improve recovery outcomes for a wide range of health conditions and to improve quality of life and return to work, social activity and leisure. He is experienced in conducting physical and cognitive assessments in order to develop personalised programs and running rehabilitative sessions aimed at meeting the individual goals of his clients.

Through clinical work, research and ongoing professional development, Andrew is keen to continuing building his knowledge and skills to provide services to a wide range of clinical populations based on the most up-to-date research.

“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”

— Albert Einstein

Clinical Expertise

Assessment and management of:

Concussion & Traumatic Brain Injury

Chronic Fatigue

Chronic Pain & Fibromyalgia

Developmental, Coordination and Movement Disorders

Cognitive Disorders


Exercise Intolerance

Neurological and Neuromuscular Disorders


Andrew completed his Bachelor of Exercise Physiology at the University of New South Wales. After he started working at the Children’s Hospital Institute of Sports Medicine, he developed an interest in conducting research alongside clinical work. This led to commencing a Master of Applied Science before upgrading to a Doctor of Philosophy in research through the University of Sydney. Andrew is looking to combine his Exercise Physiology background and passion for concussion evaluation and management by assessing the role of exercise testing to improve recovery outcomes in children and adolescents with concussion. Andrew has collaborated on numerous peer-reviewed journal articles and has presented at brain injury and sports medicine conferences, as well as undertaking further postgraduate training and professional development in cognitive neurorehabilitation and disorders of the vestibular system.

Get to Know Andrew


What current medical research are you most excited about?

I am excited about digital and virtual health in the concussion field. While nothing will surpass one to one care from a qualified health professional, things like virtual and augmented reality are providing a new layer of objective assessment and providing specialised healthcare to people with less access, such as those in remote locations.


How do you strengthen your mental fitness? 

By trying to step outside of my comfort zone. It is such an amazing feeling when you come out the other side of a challenge you were terrified of facing, and the next time you face a similar challenge you can look back on your past success.


What is your favourite health hack?

Exercising first thing in the morning. I try to do a workout in the morning to start my day off on the right foot, feel energised before work and because I find that at the end of the day it’s much easier to make excuses not to.


What is your ‘not-so-guilty’ pleasure?

I am so in love with pizza that we served it at my wedding.


What are you currently reading? 

I tend to fall in and out of love with reading. At the moment I am between books and am instead putting a lot of my spare time into the Complete Concussion Management training course.

Let’s get started together.

We are here for the future of your health.