Meet Alex

Chief Executive Officer & Co-Founder

“I judge you unfortunate because you have never lived through misfortune. You have passed through life without an opponent-no one can ever know what you are capable of, not even you.”

— Seneca, On Providence, 4.3

Get to Know Alex


What current medical research are you most excited about?

Neurobiology. I feel like this field is forever evolving and I’m fascinated by one’s ability to modulate one's own biology, and in turn, modulate brain function.


How do you strengthen your mental fitness? 


Swimming in the ocean every morning helps me to sustain my mental fitness. No matter how I feel, the water provides the ultimate reset.

I was once given the advice to start the day with the hardest tasks. Jumping into cold water presents itself as the first challenge to overcome, after that everything seems a lot easier to manage.


What is your favourite health hack?

Cold shower. If I feel lethargic or unmotivated this is a quick and easy way to feel reinvigorated.


What is your ‘not-so-guilty’ pleasure?

Pour-over, filtered coffee. I used to drink coffee 3 x a day but have recently tried to cut it out completely. However, if it’s sunny and I have some spare time, I will always allow myself to sit down and enjoy one.


What are you currently reading? 

Body Keeps the Score.jpeg

The Body Keeps The Score by Bessel Van Der Kolk

Let’s get started together.

We are here for the future of your health.